The Mercer Island Schools Choir Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Donations should be tax deductible. Did you know that many companies match donations from their employees? Please email us at if your company has an employee matching program so we can follow up with you directly with more information.
Our fall fundraising campaign has set a goal of $100 per choir student to cover our 2024-25 booster club projected budget. We accept online donations through the Givebutter platform, or donations by check. Please see below for more information about how funds are used.
- Donate online
We are using GiveButter to manage our online payments for this campaign. They charge 3.9% plus $0.30 fee per transaction, for PayPal, Venmo, credit card, or Apple/Google/Microsoft digital wallets.
- Donate by check
Please make checks payable to Mercer Island Schools Choir Boosters and send to:
Mercer Island Schools Choir Boosters
P.O. Box 304
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Please make sure to provide contact information so that we mail or email an acknowledgment.
Donations to the Mercer Island Schools Choir Boosters supplement the funding that the choir program is able to obtain from the district and from grants issued by the Mercer Island Schools Foundation, ASCB, the Fine Arts Advisory Council, and the PTSA. Typical costs that are not covered by such grants and district funding include additional professional enrichment opportunities, and various “food, fun, and spirit” activities.
Booster club funding supports those activities that are not expected to be covered through other grants, including extra-curricular enrichment, concert accompanists, professional small group instruction for singers, hosting events and socials, field trips and choral competitions, grants, and scholarships.